Inevitable withdrawal

An eternity
worlds apart
A wall between me and you 
between then and now. 
And we travel
yet we are going nowhere.
Like an illusion
Like pretend. 
For the most part, it's ok. 
Not today though. 
Today I want to tear down the wall and invite you over for some cheap wine. 
Cheap wine.. would be the only way for me to draw a line. 
Between you and me.
Between the good and the bad. 
Between the pitcher of beer and your hand.
And I would live in your intoxication
I won't stop, not even when you fumble after my hand. 
Because it's an illusion. Because there is only then and now. 
You and me.
Yours and mine.
Nothing else matters when you give up, only that wall that seperates us. 
Who say's you wouldn't rob me of my most expensive wine. 
If and when, where and how. 
When the hopelessness chooses you, all you can do is to let it in.
That is the only thing that stings more than the tears shed and variety is good too, right? 
But in the end, it doesn't matter how much one pretends because the only one getting fooled, is you.

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